Bahor mura, bogorir gura eta je asil burha. ..

Bahor mura,  bogorir gura eta je asil burha...that assamese song reminds me mouth watering bogorir gura prepared by an old lady who was my nani  (maternal grandmother ).Actually every relishing food bears it's own story .Bogori in assamese,baer in hindi,  borai in bengali and in goalparia dialect also. In english it is called as jujube Berry. Tangy in taste and It grows during winter season.In the month of december,January small, round, juicy,red ,mouthwatering bogori are beautifully declare their presence in shrubs.Even green half ripen fruits are so tempting that nobody can resist from one bite.During our teens borai bhorta was like a feast for us.
Handful of jujube berry ,a lots of green chilly,salt ,dhania pat (coriander leaf )are ground together in a mortar (ural or khundona or urun gine); drizzle of mustard oil....mixed thoroughly .Lick and want more and more.
In the month of february when bogori ripes completely, it is dried under direct sunlight. In some villages of Assam especially in undivided goalpara district it is a common sceanario in those month that small, round bogori in a dola or chaloni  (round bamboo tray) keeping on roof or in patio .My nani used to grind those sun dried red berry in mortar and pestle which is called as ural or khundona.Then salt and dried chilly powder were mixed with powdered jujube.It was kept in dried glass bottle covered tightly with lid and it could preserved for several months.Those preserving berry powder was loving gift for us from our grandma.In leisure afternoon of winter we sisters and cousins enjoyed bogorir gura with more salt , sugar and red chilly flakes.
Apart from the taste it is rich in vitamin C. During hot summer it can be prepared as light refreshing drink.
So I would like to share recipes with jujube berry powder

Bogorir sorbet :
Jujube powder 2 spoonful
Salt:as per your requirement
Water:1 large glass
Stir thoroughly and strain with a strainer. Sip and feel cool.
I am sorry that I only remember those preparation but I don't have any picture for sharing.Winters gone, spring gone, nani also gone....years passed no more bogorir gura.

But I am here with those recipes
Jujube laddoo:. Heat the pan in flame .Put bogorir gura (berry powder )and jaggery. Stir thoroughly.Put off the gas.Take some mixture in palm. Make round shape. Berry laddoo is ready.
There are many dish could be prepared with dried berry including pickle . In the month of fagun-chot(February to middle of April )lots of dryness in the air. It needs to hydrate our body.Interestingly in those season bottlegourd also available in our locality and this veggy too hydrates our body. Luckily this year I had some hukan bogori which my brother brought for me.
So a simple recipe with dry bogori, lau and soru maas. ..
Bogori, lau, soru maasor anja (Dry jujube ,bottlegourd and small fish curry )
Small fish:250gm.
Bottlegourd :one small size and cut in pieces.
Dry jujube(hukan bogori):5or6
Ginger paste :1/2spoon
Onion paste:1spoon
Chilly paste:1spoon
Cumin powder :1/2spoon
Coriander powder:1/2spoon
Chilly powder1/2spoon
Turmeric powder:1/2spoon
Salt :as per requirement
Mustard oil :2 tablespoon

Marinate the fish with salt and turmeric powder. Heat the pan and pour oil. Fry fish lightly and keep aside. In an another pan put the bottlegourd and other ingredients. Keep the flame low.  You can avoid oil in bottlegourd. When it is about to cook add bogori and cover the lid. Let it cook slowly.Now add fish fry.stir slowly. Put off the gas.But keep in heat for some time.Garnish with ripened red chilly.

Want to be nostalgic with childhood food memoirs..recollect lost cuisine.!stay with my blog lovecookingwithgulshan.
Read,relish and offcourse please share. ..
